The Lavish World of Genji-e: 19th-century Triptychs
Amid sprawling landscapes and lush interiors, fashionable figures enjoy seasonal pleasures and offer literary allusions in this collection of Genji-inspired triptychs. In the early 19th century, the “shining prince” of the 11th-century classic Tale of Genji was reimagined as the contemporary, charismatic playboy Mitsuuji in a popular serial novel. The novel was an enormous success and sparked a craze for anything Genji. Printed with lavish embellishments and vividly preserved colors, many of these triptychs are pristine - as lavish in condition as the scenes they depict.
23 Products
Toyokuni III
The Shoots of the Princess Pine, the Shimmer of Hot Air over the Moor
Toyokuni III
Dew on White Bush Clover at the Lucky Dream Pavilion Door
Kudami-jo Does a Good Deed by Releasing Living Things
Toyokuni III
Amusements in the Garden with the Seven Flowers of Fall
Toyokuni III
Amusements in Mitsuji's Private Chambers
Kunisada II (aka Kunimasa III, Toyokuni IV)
Genji on a Cherry Blossom-viewing Excursion
Toyokuni III
Prince Hikaru Looking in from the Veranda
Toyokuni III
Plum Blossoms and Snow through the Window, the Nature of Youth